Family Day in Annapolis Sponsorship

2025 Family Day Logo - FLAG

For 25 years, MCF has brought family voice into conversations about issues that impact families who love someone with a behavioral health challenge.  Each year, we invite around 200 families to join us in Annapolis to hear from key policymakers and to speak to their elected representatives about legislation that impacts them and their loved one.  The event is offered at no cost to participants and MCF provides transportation and meals at the Governor Calvert House in downtown Annapolis.

In order to continue to offer and expand this event, we rely on generous sponsorships from our community.  There are many ways to get involved and we hope you will consider becoming a Family Day Sponsor and be a part of this empowering day of advocacy to elevate family voice.

$100 - Sponsor a Family or $50 - Sponsor a Youth

Your sponsorship of our families and youth will help offset the costs of the event.  Your name will be listed in the event program as a Family or Youth Sponsor.

 $500 - Family Voice Advocate

A Family Voice Advocate sponsorship is for partners who want to stand in solidarity with MCF and families who have a loved one with a behavioral challenge.  Sponsorship at this level offers the following benefits:

  • Name and logo in the event program.
  • Highlighted as a sponsor in our monthly newsletter, Family Focus, and our monthly Advocacy in Action newsletter, which reach an audience of more than 15,000 people.
  • One social media post on each MCF platform highlighting your sponsorship (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
  • Your literature in the participants' folder distributed at the event.

$2,500 - Sponsor a Bus!

MCF provides 5 buses to transport families from across the State to Annapolis. Without this transportation, many families and youth would not be able to attend Family Day.  Your sponsorship of a bus will provide people from various regions the opportunity to relax and meet other families like theirs while they journey to Annapolis.  You can sponsor a bus from:

  • Western Maryland
  • Eastern Shore
  • Baltimore City
  • Northern Maryland
  • Mid/Southern Maryland

For your sponsorship, you will enjoy these benefits:

  • A sign with your company's name and logo inside the bus.
  • Invitation to ride the bus to share more information about your services.
  • Your name and logo on all advertising for the event (i.e., email marketing, social media, etc.).
  • Highlighted as a sponsor in our monthly newsletter, Family Focus, and our monthly Advocacy in Action newsletter, which reach an audience of more than 15,000 people.
  • One social media post on each MCF platform highlighting your sponsorship (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).
  • Inclusion of your literature in participant folders distributed at the event.
  • Name and logo in the event program.