Karen Duffy

New Laws Allow School Absences for Mental Health

Bullying. Depression and anxiety. Raising suicide rates. Social media. Mass shootings. Today’s students are grappling with a wide range of issues inside the classroom and…

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Marijuana: Facts and Fiction Quiz

Marijuana has been used, both legally and illegally for many years, but there are still many misconceptions about it—especially when it comes to its use…

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Alcohol: The Lesser Known Killer

In the midst of the opioid tragedy, it is important to not lose sight of another common addiction—alcohol. It is estimated that alcohol causes about…

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Promoting Behavioral Health at the State Level

by MCF Director of Public Policy Ann Geddes—During the state’s legislative session which ended earlier this month, MCF advocated for behavioral health funding and legislation.…

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Reducing Suicide and Other Risks for LGBT Children

by MCF Director of Public Policy Ann Geddes Some caregivers are upset upon learning that their child is gay or transgender – they may believe…

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How to Engage in Maryland Legislative Advocacy

by MCF Director of Public Policy Ann Geddes The goal of legislative advocacy is to inform and to influence a legislator about their vote on…

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Is Your Teen’s Gambling a Problem?

by MCF Program Coordinator – Problem Gambling Nancy Quidas Many teenagers are gambling and, as parents, you may not even know about it. Recent research…

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A Disturbing Trend: Cocaine-Related Overdose Deaths

by MCF Director of Public Policy Ann Geddes The Department of Health recently released preliminary data for unintentional overdose deaths for the period January through…

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Self-Care: Finding Happiness in Giving

by MCF Chief Operating Officer Gail Doerr One of the most encouraging findings to have emerged from the science of happiness is that people take…

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Just What Is This Kirwan Commission?

by MCF Director of Public Policy Ann Geddes You may have seen or read about the Kirwan Commission in the news, but are uncertain about…

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Children’s Behavioral Health Advocates Ask for More Funding

by MCF Director of Public Policy Ann Geddes The Children’s Behavioral Health Coalition, a group of 20 organizations, has established its advocacy platform for 2019,…

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