Your financial contribution brings support, guidance, and hope to Maryland families who love someone with a mental health, substance use, or problem gambling challenge. These families are your friends, neighbors, colleagues, or maybe even someone in your own family. Donating to the Maryland Coalition of Families is an investment that ensures we can meet the ever-increasing demand for family peer support services.

A quarter century ago, a small but mighty group of parents and caregivers who have children with mental health challenges shared a vision of a future in which other families like theirs don’t have to walk the journey alone. Their collective dedication, wisdom, and energy led to the creation of the Maryland Coalition of Families!
Today, MCF is a thriving, vibrant organization that provides free family peer support to thousands of families every year in all 24 Maryland jurisdictions. We not only serve parents and caregivers of children, but anyone who loves someone with a mental health, substance use, or problem gambling challenge.
We’re celebrating 25 years of being here because we’ve been there too.
We invite you to join our Founder’s Circle and become an integral part of expanding the reach of family peer support and help us realize our founding parents’ and caregivers’ vision that no family should walk this path alone.
Your contribution will not only provide support, guidance, and hope to thousands of families but will aid our efforts to elevate their voice in discussions of policies and legislation that impact them most.
Other Ways to Give
Monthly Giving
Through automatic deductions from your checking or credit card account, you ensure a critical and dependable source of income that we greatly appreciate. Monthly gifts of as little as $15 can make a significant contribution to our work!
When you participate in our monthly giving program, your gift will be sent to MCF automatically each month. A record of each gift will appear on your monthly bank or credit card statement. You can increase, decrease, or suspend your monthly gift at any time.
To begin your monthly giving, please click on the Give Now button above and choose "Monthly" rather than one-time gift.
Matching Gifts
Did you know that thousands of employers offer matching gift programs in which the companies financially match donations by employees to eligible nonprofits like MCF? You can double your impact and help MCF reach even more Maryland families. Maryland Coalition of Families collaborates with Benevity, an organization that connects hundreds of purpose-driven companies with workplace giving programs to nonprofit organizations. If your employer participates, please consider designating Maryland Coalition of Families as your beneficiary organization.
Seeking Another Way to Give?
Please contact Karen Duffy, Interim Executive Director
Contributions by check can be sent to:
Maryland Coalition of Families
8950 State Route 108, Suite 223
Columbia, MD 21045